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(703) 371-5710
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Nokesville listings map
Nokesville recent sales
Nokesville is one of Northern Virginia’s best-kept secrets! Uniquely, Nokesville actually spans the adjacent borders of both Prince William County and Fauquier County. This is important to note when searching Nokesville Listings online. Situated to the west of Gainesville & Bristow Virginia, Nokesville is a 1 Stoplight intersection town that is brimming with pride and a deep connection with Virginia’s rural lifestyle. Nokesville is dotted with horse and cattle farms and a landscape of picturesque and spacious woods. You won’t feel out of place if you want to till yard space for a garden, pin your bedroom sheets on the clothesline or hang a tire from the tree for swinging. If an atmosphere of rural living is your desire, then Nokesville is the ideally situated place for you.
The majority of Nokesville falls within the Rural Crescent, which is Prince William County’s 1998 comprehensive plan limitation to curb urban development. The intent was to protect rural communities from urban sprawl, by limiting the number of houses that could be built: 1 home per 10 acres.
Nokesville is a great community to live and offers a true taste of Virginia’s heartland!
Sought after areas of Nokesville include: Nokesville Homes 1-5 Acres, Nokesville Homes 5-10 Acres, Nokesville 10+ Acres, Ashley Ridge, Nokesville Near Vint Hill Rd.
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